Four years ago at the request of Dr. Julia Palma we copied a nice initiative of a cart that distributed sweets in a Children’s Hospital in New York. Thus was born the idea of a little cart of coffee, tea, sweets and its volunteers.
We started as a tiny group of friends, but now are more than 15 volunteers. We have also received generous visits of local celebrities like Ivan Zamorano, Tonka Tomicic or Nicolas Massu. They have come to give encouragement and affection to children, parents and hospital staff.
The volunteer cart attends every Wednesday from 10 to 12:30 and each volunteer brings cakes, muffins, cookies, juice, coffee and what is needed each week. The success of the cart has been so great that today we are giving affection and coffee to many more mothers and families of hospitalized children than the original Oncology children. Our new goal is to have enough volunteers to open a new day of the week.
Besides the attention to parents of hospitalized children permanently deliver gifts to children, their siblings as well as parents themselves. One of the most beautiful manicure services is the company French Beauty and they give free manicure to the moms and little girls of the TMO units and Oncology.