2016Beyond Spheres

Design for Web, Mobile and Social Media

Internationally exhibited artist, Koichiro Kurita creates beautiful photographs using traditional processes. Inspired by the writings of American writer, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, Koichiro began photographing natural landscapes for a project he titled “Beyond Spheres”.

Kurita writes:

We live in three “spheres” of nature that co-exist in harmony. Each “sphere” corresponds to land, water, and air. Beyond Spheres is a photographic art project that explores the harmonious relationship between nature and humans.

Koichiro initially asked for help preparing a letter to solicit a donation he was seeking. This conversation led into his need for a new website to promote this project.

After extensive discussion, design and revision, beyondspheres.org was launched with much success.

Beyondspheres.org demonstrates the breadth of expertise that designers frequently apply to solve their client’s needs. To complete this project, I employed numerous skills including:

  • Copy-writing and editing
  • Information Architecture
  • Graphic Design
  • Responsive Web Coding
  • Image Optimization
  • Social Media Integration