Western Avenue Inspires Maddy Rosenberg

Western Avenue Inspires


Speaker Series

Western Avenue Inspires featured a series of six creative professionals speaking about their ideas, passions, and recent work. Presented before each First Saturday open studio at the Western Avenue Studios in Lowell MA, this speaker series provided fresh new insight into the careers of creative professionals.

Six professional across multiple disciplines were selected to offer the public a broad spectrum of creative career approaches including photography, dance, sculpture, illustration, graphic design and gallery curating.

In addition to exploring personal narratives of these speakers, the series addressed topics of community engagement and social justice—concerns that are central to the practice of many creative artists.

Western Avenue Inspires Antwon Key, Amy Archambault
Western Avenue Inspires Betsy Miller, Hailey Moschella, Sarah Lovasco, Switchboard Gallery Haverhill MA
Western Avenue Inspires Gary Gissler, Ingrid Hess